CCA Training Days

About CCA Training Days

CCA provides professional development through education and training and, in addition, sponsors and conducts four regional training workshops. These CCA Training Day workshops afford members the opportunity to attend classes on court and other career related topics, network with other court employees and learn more about their profession in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Members also have the opportunity to participate in the Certification Program that requires them to attend courses at training workshops or through other educational institutions.

Court Interpreters! You are invited to participate in CCA events!

Important Information

Classes offering education credits for the Interpreters (CIMCE) are marked with an asterisk [*].

Refund Policy: Qualifying refunds, less a $25 administrative fee, 3 days prior to event. No refunds less than 3 days in advance, or if you have received materials for training.

CCA is an approved provider for classes that help meet the minimum education requirements state in CRC 10.474

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CCA Training Days

CIMCE Compliance Requirements

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VIRTUAL EVENTS: Please login to your virtual training 15 minutes prior to your event start time to ensure your session can begin on time.

ALL INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING THEIR OWN HOTEL RESERVATIONS. The temperature in the classrooms can vary—for your comfort bring a jacket or wrap. CCA is an approved provider for classes that help meet the minimum education requirements stated in CRC 10.474.

CANCELLATIONS: If you have to cancel, contact the CCA office at Late cancellations will be considered on an individual basis.

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