BYLAWS: This committee is charged with the task of studying and recommending changes, additions, amendments or deletions to the Association bylaws, as circumstances warrant it. Once formulated, the recommendations of the Bylaws Committee are presented to the Board of Directors for consideration at the Board of Directors' Meetings, which are held twice annually.
TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION: This committee provides complete support to the Host Courts at the Training Workshops and Annual Convention, by coordinating the entire training program for each event. Administers all aspects of the Association's Certification Program, reviews and refines the certification criteria, approves all applications for participation in the program, and requests for certification upon completion of required curricula.
LEGISLATIVE: This committee reviews pending legislation, recommends Association positions on bills before the legislature and analyzes enacted legislation. It also recommends Association sponsorship of new legislation, when appropriate, and conducts an annual legislation seminar at our Annual Convention to present the newly enacted laws affecting the courts.
MEMBERSHIP: A major goal of the Membership Committee is to recruit new members by assembling and disseminating information concerning the vast array of benefits and opportunities available through the Association. Additionally, the committee is actively seeking to increase the number of courts who enroll 100% of their employees as members, to encourage increased support from Court Administration and reach out to our retired experts.
BUDGET AND FINANCE: This committee is chaired by the Treasurer of the Association and is involved in the financial aspect of the Association. The committee meets and conducts audits of the Business Manager's operations. Due to the high degree of technical expertise needed, membership on this committee is generally restricted to the Treasurer with support provided by selected members of the Accounting Committee, and is not open to regular members.
ACCOUNTING: This committee oversees the financial issues affecting court operations and works closely with the State Controller and other state agencies to clarify the accounting procedures for the courts.
DIRECTORY/FEE SCHEDULE: This committee compiles and quality controls all information which is needed to the annual California Courts Directory and Fee Schedule, which is a copywritten publication of this Association.
DMV/STATE AGENCY LIAISON: This committee works primarily with the Department of Motor Vehicles, but also with other state agencies, to clarify procedures affecting the court process. Extensive efforts are made by this committee to keep the DMV Abstract Reporting Manual current, and to present training workshops on abstracting procedures.
MINUTE BOOK: Committee work consists of assisting the Minute Book Editor in securing and reviewing materials, photos and articles which are compiled and become part of this quarterly publication.
PUBLICATIONS: This committee is responsible for compiling and distributing our procedure manuals for criminal, civil, small claims, probate, juvenile dependency and delinquency and family law. Extensive work is done by this committee to keep our manuals current with legislative changes and to present a highly professional product for use by the many factions of the legal and justice community.
INTERPRETER LIASON: This committee works primarily with the Interpreter Coordinators and the Court Interpreters to provide information on upcoming training events. Provides information regarding classes that meet the Court Interpreter Minimum Continuing Education requirements (CIMCE). Distributes event information to the Interpreter Coordinators statewide and also the interpreters. Assists with scheduling and/or working with the Business Manager, Training & Certification Committee, and the Board to increase overall Interpreter participation.
The California Court Association is dedicated to provide a forum for education & best practices in the development of court professionals
Deadline to Submit Applications is March 31.
When you become a member of CCA, you are eligible to participate in the following Standing or Regular Committees (except for Budget & Finance).
The California Court Association is dedicated to provide a forum for education & best practices in the development of court professionals
(510) 553-0401 | (916) 294-0415 Fax | | 3620 American River Drive, Suite 230, Sacramento, CA 95864
Copyright 2018 | The California Court Association
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